W Graduated!
Because of our travel plans, we needed to wrap our homeschool year up a bit
earlier than usual this season. So, the last entry before this one was the
Sometimes you ask me whether I have backup.
Sometimes you don't, and I tell you anyway, when you ask me if there's
anything you should be asking me about t...
The Reader
I was happy to sneak my vintage suitcase into this painting. The model is
Julia and the book is The House at Pooh Corner. The hay barn is at Hard
Bargain ...
Crazy Quilt Music Festival
I can clearly see that I still have not been able to commit to a style of
artwork. Here are three years of Crazy Quilt Music Festival Posters.
Things Teenagers Do That I Don't Understand
*Use of Automatic Doors*
I've seen this not only on my college campus but on the ones I've visited,
too. I see kids go up to doors and, instead of taking 2 ...
Once love
I'm perplexed writing your text,
As something speaks to me, I can't wait to see what's next.
I'll obey ever word you say
If you want me to go away I won't s...
Politeness and candy bars.
Politeness is different here than in America. People are fairly polite but
they don’t have the same patience. For instance my host mother once asked
me if ...
Sooo...new post?....yessss, new post :-)
So i know it's been a long time since i posted anything...and i guess this
my pathetic attempt at getting the juices flowing my blog again. So since a
hey, I could make vegan sushi
Yeah, I know, another food post. But the reality is, I make more food than
anything else.
I never liked sushi, despite the ravings of all my friends. It wa...
we're going on an adventure!
Charlieee, we're going on an adventure! (actually, Hallie and Andelle)
Runescape is an amazing boredom buster. The end. Sorry the quality is awful.
Halloween and Two Birthdays
First off, happy birthday to Hallie, whose is today; and Haven's whose was
on Thursday.
Also, *Halloween*!
I was Ben, an obscure character from Scrubs.
Wendi told be it is very brown there, but the people are very friendly.
Shoot at you I don't call friendly.
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