Saturday, January 17, 2009

Witness to History

By luck, I have scored tickets to the Obama inaugration!!! I was planning on showing up anyway, but as one of the unwashed masses. Now I just have to worry about how to keep warm and, since you have to show up so early, how to pack the right all day supplies in the limited size purse (8 x 6 x 4) that they are allowing.


Hallie Jo said...

wow! lucky.
lots of people from my school are going...i wish we had off instead of going to school and doing nothing.

Piri said...

Very exciting!

Lynnis said...

can you make an adhocumentary with your little camcorder?

nikalee said...

Keep warm and take everything you need - wear a big coat with big pockets.

Jane said...

Cool Lona! You need a ski suit or one of those construction workers overalls and some really warm comfy boots.

Jane said...

And you need a pink ribbon