Today was Sofi's 4th birthday party at the Butterfly Pavilion (a nature center sort of place between our house and Denver). It was a smallish party, which I have been learning is the best policy. For several years now, Sofi has admired the Disney princess cake at the non-Wholefoods type store close to our house. This year she decided it was what she for sure wanted. I was tempted to give in; we just got back from our trip, I scheduled the party at the Butterfly Pavilion to minimize the effort required, and we already had one healthfood store pink cake a week ago on her real birthday. In the end, I decided it was important enough that the cake be made out of good ingredients, so I made a 90%+ organic pink princess cake (I decided to go with the candy letters at the grocery store, because I let Sofi pick out all of the toppings that would make it a real princess cake). I also made some cupcakes- I have learned the birthday party trick that it is much easier to get the kids cake fast enough if there are cupcakes- they got to be a princess army around the cake. I drew my inspiration from the cake that Annie made for my mom's wedding. I was proud enough of the effort that I thought it deserved a blog post. In the end, Sofi seemed to be happy that her cake was even more covered with princesses than the one at King Soopers. Also, it was really pink.
Apparently Linnea has also decided she likes pink.
That's an impressive cake. I'm glad Sofi had a nice birthday. Those ballerinas are the same kind of ones I remember baking into a 3 kings day cake when I was her age,
Happy birthday Sofi! Great cake...did the pinkness come from beet juice?
That looks like a lovely cake. I made organic whole wheat cupcakes (from a mix) for Linnea's birthday this year, but they ended up tasting healthy. But, since she was only one, just having a cupcake of her own was enough of a treat.
The pink actually did come from vegetable sources- I got vegetable food coloring from Whole Foods a while back for a cookie project. In years past, I made Sofi carrot cakes but this year she wanted chocolate. I seem to recall a very healthy cake for the first birthday, and we're gradually getting less so each year.
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